
Leading change for a brighter future

We embrace the responsibility and accountability required to drive the transition towards becoming an environmentally and socially responsible business. Through our structured initiatives on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters, we will lead change today for a better tomorrow.


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ESG is an opportunity to improve business, environmental and social outcomes. We live in an ever-changing world where we know that the challenges we face are varied and complex. But as a global business, we must embrace these challenges and make decisions that are environmentally and socially responsible. Our corporate responsibility report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Core Standards and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol). We also provide reporting indices for the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Oil & Gas Services Industry Standard–Extractives & Minerals Processing Sector. Read more in our ESG Annual Report.

ESG Commitment

We will drive this change through:

  • Being a consistent quality employer embracing diversity and inclusion 
  • Providing a quality of life in the organisation with a driven workforce 
  • Promoting human rights through our “Speaking Up” policy and code of business conduct 
  • Ensuring we leave a positive impact on the communities in which we live and the customers we serve 
  • Working with our supply chain to identify and eliminate modern slavery and to deliver on our carbon strategy 
  • Contributing to the low carbon future business and where we can serve them with the skill sets, we have 
  • Working with our customer base to support their net zero ambitions and sustainability programs 
  • Delivering a business diversification program embracing the past with the present and future 
  • Management of our ESG risks and opportunities 
  • Establishing short term and long term targets, providing confidence we are meeting our targets 
  • A commitment to transparent reporting on the implementation, monitoring and progress of this policy 
  • Commitment to the United Nations Sustainability Development goals 
  • Pledging to achieve Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2050

To support our leading change, we have adopted the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s five main dimensions across ESG, namely Environment, Social, People, Leadership & Governance and Business Resilience & Model. 

Each of the five dimensions has a number of sub dimensions (26 in total), where EnerMech has identified the relevant sub-dimensions, which we will set targets for, produce data for internal and external stakeholders and report to the wider community as applicable. 

Leading Change is an essential part of EnerMech, and through this change, we will ensure we build a lasting legacy for our current and future employees and our customers and the communities we live and operate in for future generations.

ESG Commitment
Leading Change