This Working at Height course is designed to give the learner an awareness of what working at height is, the hazards associated with working at height and the various methods of access, including MEWPS, scaffolding and ladders. Other subjects covered include personal restraint systems and risk assessment. Course duration is 30-40 minutes.
To Enrol or Find Out More:
Contact a Regional Training Centre in the location nearest you
Slips and trips are the most common cause of major injuries at work. Stop to think about what may happen to you if you suffered a fall because of a slip or trip. Who could be affected? It may not be as simple as you first imagined. This awareness course is aimed at anybody in a working environment. It covers: the real cost of slips, trips and falls, who is affected, what the main causes are, how to prevent slips, trips and falls, and what your, and your employers responsibilities in the workplace are.
The duration of the course is 30 minutes.
To Enrol or Find Out More:
Contact a Regional Training Centre in the location nearest you
A risk assessment is a careful examination of your workplace to identify what may cause harm to you and those around you. It allows employers to see if they have taken suitable precautions, or should do more to prevent harm. Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and affect businesses if output is lost, machinery is damaged or insurance costs increase. Employers are legally required to assess the risks in their workplace, so a plan must be put in place to control these risks. This course will show you how to carry out a risk assessment and help you to identify hazards and reduce the risk of accidents happening.
The duration of the course is 30 minutes.
To Enrol or Find Out More:
Contact a Regional Training Centre in the location nearest you
PUWER, or Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, is a course designed to give students a good understanding of the regulations governing any and all types of machinery and tools that they may encounter in their workplace.
The duration of the course is 25 minutes.
To Enrol or Find Out More:
Contact a Regional Training Centre in the location nearest you
This course is intended to give an overview of PPE within common industry. Topics covered in the course include the health and safety regulations, selecting the correct PPE for the job and how to check your PPE prior to use.
The duration of the course is 30 minutes.
To Enrol or Find Out More:
Contact a Regional Training Centre in the location nearest you
We can define manual handling as ‘the transportation or supporting of a load by hand or by bodily force’. Surprisingly, it is not dramatic accidents that cause most lost time incidents on and offshore, but strains and sprains caused by relatively straightforward activities. 20% of all offshore accidents and injuries are a result of manual handling activities, making them a major source of lost time. This course will provide you with some national statistics about manual handling, show you what can happen if you don’t perform it correctly, and give you some constructive advice to help you with manual handling activities in the workplace.
The duration of the course is 35 minutes.
To Enrol or Find Out More:
Contact a Regional Training Centre in the location nearest you
LOLER, or the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations, are the rules governing the use of lifting equipment and the processes of planning and executing a lift safely. The aim of these regulations is to reduce the risks to people’s health and safety from lifting equipment provided for use at work.
The duration of the course is 30 minutes
To Enrol or Find Out More:
Contact a Regional Training Centre in the location nearest you
A dropped object is defined as ‘any object that falls from its previous static position under its own weight’. If an object falls, the force of gravity will pull it towards the ground and if you happen to be in the way you’ll be hit; it’s as simple as that.
The degree to which you might get injured will be influenced by many factors, but the simple rule of thumb is, the heavier or the further an object can fall, the more damage and injury it can cause. This course will help you identify potential dropped objects, and look at ways to reduce the risk of harm.
The duration of the course is 30 minutes.
To Enrol or Find Out More:
Contact a Regional Training Centre in the location nearest you
This course is intended to give the user an overview and awareness of hazardous substances. This course looks at the controls in place, the PPE guidelines, the employee’s and employer’s responsibilities and other relative topics.
The duration of the course is 25 minutes
To Enrol or Find Out More:
Contact a Regional Training Centre in the location nearest you