
New General Manager for EnerMech Headquarters

Planned expansion offshore and in mainland UK, alongside rolling out EnerMech’s services portfolio across continental Europe, is part of a new strategy to consolidate our footprint in traditional oil and gas sectors, while securing market entry in to new territories and sectors.

The appointment of General Managers for specific geographic regions is a central plank of this strategy and David Logan has been promoted to take on the newly created General Manager role in Aberdeen.

David, who joined EnerMech in 2011, has held a number of operations management and business line lead roles and most recently was Central Support Group Manager.

David said: “The newly created General Manager roles give us a much better operational oversight than we have had previously. My objective is to leverage our market advantage in being able to provide a varied but integrated service offering to best suit our clients’ requirements.

“We believe we have a lot more to offer to the Aberdeen and North Sea market. By continually investing in our Howes Road facility in Aberdeen, in updating and modernising our equipment fleet, and focussing on staff development and training, we are in a strong position to further increase our presence in the UKCS.

“Our reputation for adding value through technology, innovation and customer focus is paying off. Transferring this ethos to other markets such as onshore, renewables and defence has already seen early successes for us and we expect to make significant inroads in to these sectors.”