
High Flying Cranes Trainee Billy Gibb Named EnerMech Apprentice of the Year

Fourth year apprentice Billy Gibb was named Apprentice of the Year in EnerMech’s fourth annual awards which recognises the contribution of the company’s trainee technicians and engineers.

The mechanical engineering group places a strong emphasis on training the next generation of mechanical engineers and the award is made to the young person who has led by example in his or her performance, approach and attitude to learning.

Billy Gibb joined EnerMech in 2012 and having gained cross departmental experience is now focussed on a career in the cranes and lifting sector. During his traineeship Billy, 20, spent eight months working on offshore platforms as part of a joint initiative with EnerMech client Centrica.

EnerMech’s European Director, Stuart Smith, said: “Billy has continually impressed during his three years at EnerMech and he is now part of our Cranes Flying Squad. This is a tremendous achievement for someone still in their apprenticeship and just shows what you can do if you put your mind to it and make the most of the opportunities within the business.”

Performance feedback from Billy’s supervisors and work colleagues was excellent, emphasising he was a team player. One typical comment was: “Nothing’s a problem for Billy, he is always looking ahead for the next task and solution, and he works well, is a smart thinker, and questions things at the right time.”

Third year apprentice Matthew Connell was selected by his peers as winner of the Apprentices’ Choice Award and was described as someone who is “always there to help out and who picks up everyone’s spirits.”

The Aberdeen headquartered company, which employs 2200 people across 35 International locations, last month extended its commitment to training by recruiting five new apprentices, which takes the total number to 33, with a further 10 graduates engaged on a graduate training scheme.

Stuart Smith added: “Our apprentices are an important factor in developing people with the high-end skills that our clients demand and expect. These young men and women make an important contribution to the overall growth of the company and we in turn offer a rewarding career with excellent opportunities for each of them to fulfil their potential.”