
EnerMech Staff Launch Local Communities Week

Mechanical engineering firm EnerMech is staging a series of fund raising fun events to raise money for local Aberdeen causes.

The Howes Road based company hopes to raise up to £5000 with staff contributing to a bake and buy, raffle, fancy dress fun run, duck race and a boys v men football match.

All monies raised by staff, which will be matched by EnerMech, will be distributed by Northsound’s Cash for Kids to Heathryburn Primary School, Mastrick Playscheme, Byron Boy’s Club and Middlefield Community Project.

EnerMech, which employs 1100 staff and provides a range of services to the energy sector, hopes its Local Communities Week between 4 and 8 June will become an annual event.

Stuart Smith, EnerMech’s UK manager, said: “In the four years since the company was established we have become a major Aberdeen employer and the time is now right to play an increased role in our local community. Raising funds for organisations working close to our headquarters is one way in which we can do this but we are also exploring other initiatives which are deserving of support.”

EnerMech supports city charity Aberdeen Foyer which operates the company canteen and in the past has provide staff and materials to build a pond for Heathryburn Primary school’s sensory garden and a Viking boat for the school’s Christmas play.