
EnerMech Assist IMCA On Simulator Training

EnerMech Ltd is working with the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) to help formulate training guidelines on simulators.

The IMCA is the international trade association representing offshore, marine and underwater engineering companies.

Jennifer Stewart, EnerMech’s training division business development manager, has joined an IMCA working group which is looking at training involving Dynamic Positions Simulation, ROV simulation and Crane Operator Simulation.

When the working group completes its review early in 2010 the findings will become a reference point for marine, subsea and offshore organisations undertaking training programmes.

EnerMech has particular expertise in offshore crane simulation and recently invested £500,000 on a crane simulator which offers a unique subsea lifting operations capability.

Exclusive to EnerMech, the simulator is a world first and allows the training and assessment of crane operators undertaking subsea lifting operations, in the safety of an onshore controlled environment.

Jennifer Stewart said: “Our exclusive subsea software leads the field compared to other training providers which can only offer platform to vessel simulated training. The IMCA working group is aimed at providing a uniform standard for the training of offshore crane operators using a simulator and we feel we can make a valuable contribution to this important work.”